طاولة حوار: تحديد فلسطين في مقاربات العالم الثالث للقانون الدولي
international law
settler colonialism
Global South
Third World Approaches to International Law
Author biography: 
Noura Erakat is an associate professor in the Department of Africana Studies and the Program in Criminal Justice at Rutgers University, New Jersey.
John Reynolds is an associate professor in the School of Law and Criminology, Maynooth University, Ireland.
Samera Esmeir is an associate professor at the Department of Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley.
Richard Falk is an emeritus professor of international law at Princeton University, New Jersey, and chair of Global Law and codirector of the Centre for Climate Crime and Climate Justice, Queen Mary University of London.
Ardi Imseis is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Law, Queen’s University, Canada.
Usha Natarajan is a faculty fellow in law and political economy at Yale Law School.
Vasuki Nesiah is professor of practice at the Gallatin School, New York University.
Munir Nuseibah is an assistant professor at Al-Quds University Faculty of Law, Jerusalem, Palestine.
Diala Shamas is a senior staff attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, New York.